My eyes! My eyes!

By ihatemylife - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to remind my roommates of the importance of wearing clothing at all times in the common living area. My roommates are my parents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 911
You deserved it 6 195

Top comments

sexymexybm 0

'My roommates are my parents. FML' enough said...

BrunetteHottiie 0

Maybe OP is underage, stupid.


Why is nudity such a problem? I am 41 and still see my parents in the nude occassionally (and I have my own family and live 600 miles from my parents). I just don't see the problem.

I agree. I've been raised openly, and I honestly don't care if my parents are naked or not.

hyderabadi 0

if your mommy is hot, i'd like to pay her a visit. pls make sure you take your dad out when i do visit. thx

Take the brutal hint - they want you out of the nest, so they can play birds and bees!!!

Armadillos are small placental mammals, known for having a leathery armor shell. The Dasypodidae are the only surviving family in the order Cingulata, part of the superorder Xenarthra along with the anteaters and sloths. The word armadillo is Spanish for "little armored one".

thank you, that was very informative! hahaha OP That's rather disgusting, you should look into getting your own place though. Even if they were trying to scare you out of the house, your parents are weird for letting you see them naked.... I say communication would work much better...

You and your parents all live in one room??? Are you an immigrant or just living in some random hut in Peru?

They don't all live in one room. They each have their own room, where they can do whatever they want, and the rest of the house is the "common living area" because all three of them use it.

do u have a car-bed and a radio to talk to other car-beds?

My roomates are buying me rims for Christmas. My sister said I should get a CB radio to talk to other car beds.

tiffanyxmichele 0

i was waiting for the grandmas boy reference!

tiffanyxmichele 0

i was waiting for the grandmas boy reference!

Why don't you grow up and move out. When you pay the mortgage, you can wear whatever the hell you want to.

ugh. I have the same problem, except with my brother thrown in as well. and I don't even start college for another 3 years XP

thats quite disgusting indeed. i feel so bad for you. im just lucky my parentals dont do that........oh god bad images

You are seriously generalizing when you say that NO girl wants to see her father's dick. There are a lot of girls out there who want to see their daddy's junk. They're the girls who end up on Jerry Springer. And look how long Jerry Springer's been on the air. I rest my case.