My eyes! My eyes!

By someone - 29/07/2011 18:26 - United States

Today, while walking home, the gods were kind enough to grace me with the sight of an old man jogging past me in nothing but a pair of short shorts. The image of his balls swinging to and fro underneath like a pendulum has been forever burned into my retinas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 823
You deserved it 5 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some acid will get that image right off. :)


Matias_Says_FML 4

Your glowing appraisal of his man junk makes you sound like you're jealous.

perdix 29

Nothing but short shorts? Your strategy should have been to focus on his jiggly, hairy moobs. Yes, you would have suffered retinal burn, but it would be less severely disturbing than what the swinging happy sacks left.

nicefacekidd 4

You must've been concentrating really hard to describe it in detail. So FHisLife for having a person like you stare at them. Creep.

i like how you described his balls as a swinging pendulum, really puts the image in your head (x