
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia - Melbourne

Today, I went to dinner with a guy I like and paid the $120 bill. After joking that he was an expensive date, he replied, "I'm laughing at how you think this is a date." FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 133
You deserved it 6 525

Top comments

I apologize on behalf of all men for the behavior of that douche.

Don't even waste your time with him then. Make sure you collect his half of the bill too.


HarleyBlues 24

"I laugh at how your ass thinks you're not paying for half of this."

I assume that you're referring to the person that OP took out and paid for their meal? There's a difference between being "honest" and just being as assbag. This dude was an assbag. If you weren't referring to them and I misinterpreted your comment, then I apologize.

ThatFancyPenn 18

This is just a douchebag. Don't waste your time.

TrinityNevada 11

and then gave him a concussion like the I've-been-cheating-on-you dude got

Wow, what a tool. I would have taken every full glass within arm's reach and poured it on him. But then again, I am crazy like that.. On a side note the grapes are pretty tasty.

@17, you I like. I would gladly get to know you over $300 meal.

giorgi0202 9

What a jerk. Please don't spend any more time, emotion or money on this idiot.

He will (hopefully) regret he behaviour and feel stupid.