
By ohmyx3 - 30/04/2009 02:09 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house. I've been a vegetarian for 4 years, and his mother made lasagna with meat in it. After telling her I don't eat meat, my boyfriend's father says "we know whose meat she does eat." My boyfriend, his mother, and I were standing right there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 613
You deserved it 10 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

arcturussage 0

boyfriends fault imo. If I were having my girlfriend over I'd make sure my mom knew she was a vegetarian. Dad sounds like a cool guy though


lol...gotta luv his father for that one

thats ******* hilarious! that father must be a riot

i would give my dad a high five if he said that


he sounds like a chill dude

I am a carnivore, but there are several foods and ingredients I do not eat due to allergies, flavor, texture, etc. It is really no one else's concern whether you enjoy or sample a particular food product, and it is ridiculous to insist that someone eat a meal prepared with ingredients they do not eat, for whatever reason. I am very uncomfortable with the father's comment as well. If this is the girlfriend's first dinner in their home, then her bf's father was way out of line. Sexual innuendo is not something that should be shared in a parent-child relationship, whether the parent is yours or your bf's.

hahha i havent ate meat since i was 4, i know how you feel. and hahah his dad seems cool.

summergirl 0

# 3 you clearly don't have a girlfriend. and awkwwwward!

MessOfADreamer 0

Lol @ #3, and twenty points to the dad! WOW.