Mad beliefs

By GodSquad - 26/09/2013 08:06 - United Kingdom - Blackburn

Today, I found out that the girl I've fallen in love with is a "young-earth/dinosaurs-lived-with-humans" crackpot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 424
You deserved it 7 997

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wait? So the flinstones arent autobiographical. Damnit, childhood ruined.

myeviltwin 20

She is not a crackpot for believing something different. She is a crackpot for believing a crackpot idea. Hope I cleared that up for you.


So she's uneducated or easily mislead. Bernie Madoff mislead a lot of smart and good people....because they WANTED to believe. Religion (and it's silly beliefs) only exist because people WANT to believe in something after death, and are scared and therefore reject the notion that death is it. She may be a few good and nice person if you can overlook that she's scared to die, so she believes in silly notions and stories.

Unfortunately alot of people are brought up to believe in this "crackpot" as you so rightly called it, and don't really get the choice. A perfectly intelligent person can be brainwashed from birth (poetically speaking, I'm not implying that people can believe in god at 2 weeks old) and have creationism forced down their throat. I have nothing against "believers" whatever religion they have faith in, or the religion itself for that matter, but I think it's abhorrent to not give people the chance to believe what they want and THINK about it before hand, especially in the case of such a disputable theory as young earth creationism. In this case this might well be a sweet, caring, intelligent girl who was just brought up to believe in nonsense without ever being allowed to think for herself. Good luck with showing her the truth OP.

caohm 18

one sees the over as food and nothing more. not exactly subtle

OP I just wonder at how you could fall in love with someone without knowing something as important as her strong religious beliefs. It does not sound like you know her that well or at least, well enough to be in love with her.

I don't know what young earth means but I think humans and dinosaurs walked the earth together!

ninety 25

Her beliefs obviously didn't impact her behavior badly enough that it kept you from falling in love with her. Unless she did a complete 180 personality-wise or denied you all forms of sexual pleasure, than I don't really see why it would be a problem.

Llama_Face89 33

I really wish people would start seeing the bibles contents as the metaphors they are rather than fact.... The world would be a better place....

obviousboy 8

It'd be even better if people actually read their bible. Ever notice how churches don't tell you to read your bible, cover to cover?

RedPillSucks 31

All the churches I've been to do that...

I'm gonna sound crazy but I was watching discovery the other day and apparently there's evidence that suggests certain dinosaur species may have still been around with humans. I don't know what to believe tho

I heard the other day that technically birds are dinosaurs so there ya go.

If you really loved her you would get over it

Mowampa 1

At least she's not one of those individuals who believe that dinosaurs didn't exist at all.