Kids these days

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, my toddler son walked up to my older daughter and kissed her chest, then said, "I kissed the boob." I have no idea where he learned that word. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 359
You deserved it 1 126

Top comments

You say that as if "boob" is a swear word. I get that some people have different ideas of what is or isn't appropriate language, and I can admit that a kid saying that in certain contexts might be a little awkward, but come on...Is it really the worst thing he could be saying?


Maybe you can try asking him where he learned that, or maybe check who he's been around with these past few weeks or days. Or maybe he just saw it on TV.

And this, my friends, is how incest starts.


Boob is not a bad word for a toddler to know, my 3 year old says it all the time because she sees me feeding her brother, says I'm feeding him boobie

Matter of opinion and maturity and for each individual parent to decide.

#16 you took the words right out of my mouth... I'm suing you for theft.

You say that as if "boob" is a swear word. I get that some people have different ideas of what is or isn't appropriate language, and I can admit that a kid saying that in certain contexts might be a little awkward, but come on...Is it really the worst thing he could be saying?

I agree #8. I mean he is just a little guy. My nephews use to say boobs too. There is nothing wrong with it.

could be a lot worse for sure, when I was young we got stuck in traffic so I yelled "It's the pedal on the right asshole" Yea... guess which male parental unit got in big trouble for that...

Sounds innocent, the toddler won't understand context and is probably just trying to understand their world. a friend of mine works at a day care and had a 3 year old try to kiss hers and then said "******* are for kissing" That's when you could be worried. . .

He's toddler so he probably just thought it was a funny thing to do. I'd honestly focus more on telling him why it's not right to kiss your sibling's chest than the fact he said "boob" though.

It's America. Where didn't he learn that word?

Why not ask the one with the boobs? Your daughter? As a daughter, I complain about my boobs a ton. Probably the source?