
By BoringFucker - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom

Today, my girlfriend openly mocked me, calling me an idiot for thinking seahorses are real. She insists that they're like unicorns, and only exist in fiction. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 336
You deserved it 4 840

Top comments

saIty 17

Show her Spongebob and she will believe in seahorses. *Possibly even talking sponges, starfishes, crabs, squids, and even whales.. Results may vary*

thinkPlNK 0

unicorns exist. you just have to stick a cone in the center of a horses' head. :D


Who ask you to be her boyfriend? Haha. You should agree with her dude.

Mock her by calling her a stupid **** and showing her pictures and video of sea horses. Then dump her for being such a stupid ****.

Is your girlfriend blond or just dumb...

Wow she dumb and needs to go to school

Make a bet. If you can prove the existence of the mythical sea horse in 45 seconds using only google, she has to do "things". If you can't (because they are not real), you have to do whatever crap she comes up with for an entire month. She can't lose, right?? Try to sell her that idea.

JaysFanStu 3

Google images? Best thing in those cases.

cynthiastarz 10

Take her to a pet store where they sell salt water fish. Im sure u will see one there. Then u can laugh in her face.

Wow!! She mean and unintelligent! Get out while you can!