Get back to work

By notbrowsingnow - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I was bored at work, so I started browsing the Internet. While I was on my Facebook page, my boss tagged me in a status, saying, "I've been standing behind you for ten minutes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 010
You deserved it 52 392

Top comments

You kind of deserved that....workplace is for work, use Facebook at home


ha! That's pretty damn funny. kudos to your boss. good thing you still have your job.

Awww so cute, what a romantic love story!

Why are you friends with your boss on Facebook?

sexyboi1985 27

Wtf was ur boss doing on Facebook?

happened to me as well but he took it cool. never logged in again at office.

Why would you have your boss as a Facebook friend?? -YDI

that was awesome for thr boss to do that.