
By Wow - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was on the internet playing a game. I have a speech impediment, and the guy running it told me to get off his server for making fun of disabled people. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 798
You deserved it 4 312

Top comments

Ugh, having one myself, I know how it feels. People always tell me to stop talking with a horrible 'British accent' also.


Is there a text chat? Maybe you could just use that?

^ Why, because someone Else has a problem with the way Op speaks? "Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter." I say ignore the ignorant ones and use whatever communication form suits you best. Op has nothing to be ashamed of after all...

No, so the OP can tell him over text chat about his speech impediment, rather than having to say it over voice chat and having the guy continue to think OP is only poking fun

He shouldn't have to explain anything to anyone. he owes nobody anything. he should be able to play just like everybody else. I freaking hate people sometimes.

It seems my comment was misinterpreted, what I meant was, OP could use the text chat to let everyone know about their speech impediment before talking so that no one would assume anything

That's a tough one... Punch him in the face he should get the message, maybe write a little note on your knuckles to him

OochenSnoochen 15

Are virtual punches a thing now? Someone needs to get on that.

kingdomgirl94 29

I've been saying g this for years. The ability to slap someone online needs to become a reality!

Does anyone have manners while playing online?

I don't think so. People make fun of the way I talk online all the time. I have a bit of a speech impediment and I'm 20 but sound 10. It sucks. Ugh.

At least you're not mentally impaired, like the dumb ass who assumed you were faking your speech impediment.

You should have explained it then left.To make em feel bad

I bet you 20 bucks he has a Tumblr account.

I have one and that happens all the time to me. It's okay he's just trying to protect others with them. For all he knows you were just another person out there that makes fun of them.

This it's true, but alas, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

When i read " i was on the internet playing a game" i knew this wasnt going to end well hah

I knew that when I logged into the the "f my life" app.

There's probably a better server out there. Don't listen to those people.