Foxy Lady

By foxownerapperantly - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - Netherlands - Hoorn

Today, an old lady in public transport yelled at me and my dog, called me a liar, and threw her grape soda over me because according to her my pet Shiba Inu was actually a fox, and keeping foxes as pets is illegal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 535
You deserved it 1 879

Top comments

Megatron_Griffin 25

People over react so bad sometimes. It is ridiculous and unnecessary, especially older people it seems. Think they can get away with anything cause they can pull the "I'm so frail and old" card if someone tries to stick up for themselves. It's a load of BS, and I'm sorry you had to deal with that


She's old, don't take it seriously XD

What's next all cats to her are lynxes to her? That's a bit off...but the response is a bit over the top

It's not even illegal to own a fox in the Netherlands. She was just a crazy old lady who doesn't know a feline from a canine, or her Countries laws on exotic pet ownership.

Foxes are more closely related to dogs than cats

Sathane 21

You know what else is illegal? Assault - even with grape soda.

Crap I accidentally hit you deserve it. You obviously don't and that woman is a bitch

Idk how people in these situations don't totally kick off, old or young you make a mistake and throw grape soda over me il whack you! Well done op because you reacted better than I would ?