First time?

By ajdown - 17/06/2011 20:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I have an eight hour transatlantic flight and the person sitting next to me has already filled his third sick bag. This wouldn't be quite so bad were we not still at the terminal with passengers still boarding the plane. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 912
You deserved it 2 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That guy shouldn't be travelling... unless he's got a flight phobia, he sounds like he has a serious stomach bug.


Ask for a different seat...and pretend to cry. That really sucks, i might not have gotten on the plane.

jassi101 5

That sucks.. I flew to LA from new York back in march and had a baby behind me cry, kick and scream through out the flight and same thing coming back :-( talk about luck huh? Should've asked to switched my seat :-(

Are they dressed in a pilot's uniform?

degrassilover21 2

Thats gonna be a very very fun plane ride lolz jk i feel bad for you just ask to change seats :D

ashleigh_anarchy 7

That's horrible. Would have caused me to be sick. However, I think this guy was inconsiderate to not buy both of the seats if he knew he would be that sick while flying. Expecting a stranger to sit next to you while you throw up is stupid.

the flight hasn't left yet get up and move!!!!!! I'm sure he'd understand!

bassoonist527 0

Well, don't be too harsh on the other guy. Do you think he enjoys that? I feel the other guy's pain because I get extremely nervous in planes. It happens. Your life doesn't suck because of it, it's just a minor inconvenience. Then again, this website is not "MLHAFMI (My life has a few minor inconveniences)"

um, I'd think having to sit next to someone vomiting for eight hours makes your life suck- at least for those eight hours. The guy should be a little more considerate and hurl in the bathroom.

mooseluver4life 5

Dude. This is my worst nightmare. I feel bad for you. Fyl fo sho

You can actually get moved if you want to because the person next to you is bothering you