Fight yoga, try stress

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Craig

Today, I'm so unused to physical activity that I got exhausted and fell asleep on my yoga mat not even halfway through the DVD. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 227
You deserved it 5 540

Top comments

It's hard to go straight into vigorous exercise right away, and from what I hear yoga can be pretty intense. Start off light and work your way up, nothing to be ashamed of here.

You can't push yourself too hard, OP. People begin at different levels, and you have to respect your own limits. I'm sure with practice, and repeated attempts (at your own pace) you'll be a pro! Good luck!


It's hard to go straight into vigorous exercise right away, and from what I hear yoga can be pretty intense. Start off light and work your way up, nothing to be ashamed of here.

Really difficult, but incredibly fun. And there's a sense of accomplishment when you master a particularly tricky pose.

andrmac 25

So true. When you haven't exercised in a long time and decide to start its best to start really really slow for the first few days or week. For example, if you're going to start with the treadmill, try getting on for just 10-15 minutes the first few times just to ease your body into it. That way your muscles and breathing are all affected just slightly instead of being a bit overwhelmed. This way you'll be less likely to get overwhelmed and quit. Maybe just try the first half of the DVD for awhile until you get into he swing of things. After that first week it's easy to increase as your body and mind get used to what you're trying to do.

I dont blame you those yoga mats are comfy... but yeah I agree dont start off with so much do a few and work your way up to more

I think I'm lazy but that is an accomplishment I have yet to achieve

You can't push yourself too hard, OP. People begin at different levels, and you have to respect your own limits. I'm sure with practice, and repeated attempts (at your own pace) you'll be a pro! Good luck!

At least you're trying to increase your physical activity, good on you just ease into it.

Keep at it, OP! Don't let this discourage you, I'm sure you'll improve in time.

Dear person sucking at working out; I see you stumbling through EVERYTHING, sweating your ass off to a level that I didn't think was possible and taking a shit ton of breaks... YOU ARE WORKING HARDER THAN ANYONE ELSE, KEEP IT UP! It gets better and so do you.

Hey, you're taking steps to change your activity level, don't put yourself down. Yoga is ridiculously intense at even be lower levels if you were inactive prior to starting. I mean, have you seen the instructors for those videos?