Congratulations, you played yourself

By danielle - 23/04/2009 07:16 - United States

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21). We went to a liquor store and asked a random guy to go in and buy us some vodka. After giving him $20, he said he had to go turn off his car, then he'd get us the drinks. He got in his car and drove off, with my $20. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 220
You deserved it 260 096

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aego56 0

Today, my friend and I wanted to get some alcohol (we're under 21)...*YDI*



ok first of all if the guy is out of his car with it actually on why would it matter if he waited another 2 minutes to get you vodka. second of all if he said he was going to turn his car off why didnt you ask to hold the money until he came back. third of all you could probably just find someone with a fake ID if you were really that desperate to drink. YDI.

yes. CLEARLY you're under 21 if you know not to give some random guy 20 bucks to buy YOUR liquor. you just let him steal from you. then again, i'm only 13, and i ALREADY knew that.

Hahaha. Sucks for you. Pretty stupid thing to do though. Come and live in Holland, drinking age is 16 but they usually don't check. Actually think it makes more sense, people don't become all sad and desperate for alcohol, so they won't give their money to random strangers.

Trix_Disorder 20

hahaha man that sucks for you. drinking age is 19 in canada, chyeah....FYL

e_fisher20 0

You absolutely deserve it for drinking underage. Seriously, I have no respect for people who drink under the age of 21.

ohhhhshizzz 0

#146: Calm the hell down, seriously. I drink but come on, its called a liquor cabinet. Or a fridge, seriously just take your 'rents if you really wanna drink. Asking a guy you DON'T know is just idiotic. But I live in New Orleans and when people buy Daquiris they buy for EVERYONE, so I still get to drink. You need a natural high, alcohol won't always be there.

YDI for giving a stranger your money in the first place. Just ******* wait until you're 21, dumbass.