Classic excuse

By bfall74 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I was stood up by a blind date. After calling and texting her about being a horrible person, she called me from the hospital. She was in a car accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 992
You deserved it 62 240

Top comments

Your "Blind" date had a car accident? No shit.

It could have been worse. She could actually have just stood you up.


Would it make even more sense that instead of calling and texting to say how horrible a person she was... could have simply found out FIRST why she no showed. Then from that point figure out if it is a legit reasoning for it happening and then act accordingly. Why do people have to jump to conclusions before finding out the reasons behind things? That's how trouble and all this other bad stuff starts happening. Because patience to find out why is forgotten until after the fact.

daysgoby902 6

maybe she did stand you up. you wouldn't believe some of the things we will do and say to get out doing something we don't want to do.

Hmm, did she just text you or call you and say she was in the hospital & had gotten into an accident? Because without any proof it's possible she may have just stayed home, flaked at the last minute and gave you this as an excuse for not showing up.

a_nutritionist 10

...the thing about a blind date is you got set up by someone. simply asking the friend who knows them if shes injured or been in an accident would take 2 seconds and answer all unresolved issues.

VEVO_fml 0

do you get stood up alot to immediately assume that? 

thunderhead32 0

u should have when to see her in the hospital

I think you should cut your losses on this girl, and remember in the future that girls are not attracted to high strung, jealous, paranoid, over emotional little boys. Work on your temper.

It won't be awkward if she dies. My fingers are crossed for you.

If it was a blind date, you could have just cut your losses and moved on. By texting her those things you only succeeded in 1) working yourself into an angry frenzy and 2) being a dick to someone else who only kinda-sorta deserved it... and 3) made yourself look like an insecure baby. Hopefully when she's out of the hospital, she doesn't go on a date with you again.

Flutist 3

How did she deserve it if she was actually in the hospital? She didn't owe him anything, they had never met. He was an ass.

Why is everyone saying he's a jerk? It would be one thing if he knew she was in the hospital, but he didn't. He thought he was stood up, so he got angry. It was just bad luck for the both of them.

Flutist 3

Yea he had every right to be angry and upset he waited at a restaurant like a fool. The problem is he called AND texted her about being a horrible person for something that was out of her control. Instead of either riding the stranger off as being a jerk and moving on or thinking something must have come up her thought a complete stranger owed him something more and pretty much harassed her. Instead of jumping to conclusions I hope he learns to keep his mouth shut until all evidence is presented.