
By blububble412 - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Sierra Vista

Today, we had a drug search at school. After the search, we went back inside. My bag was open, and my lunch was gone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 535
You deserved it 2 524

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thanks for supporting your local police.

That's why you don't take powdered sugar to school, kids.


My school was drug searched too where are you from?

lol the guy that searched it had the munchies after smoking the pot he stole XD

Don't give into these fourth amendment violations. You have rights, too. Unless they think you're really breaking the law, they can't search your bags. And they definitely can't steal your lunch.

They can if you are on school property. They can search your car, too. Taking the lunch? Yeah, that wasn't cool, but no one was there to witness it and who is going to take it seriously. A high school kid not having lunch for a day is hardly the end of the world.

1) You cannot stop a dog from investigating hooman food. Happened to me in high school once--they brought in dogs, and I had a bagel I hadn't put away properly, and the damn dog licked my bagel's cream cheese. 2) If said dog tastes the hooman food, the handler needs to buy the hooman a new food.

kirbs19 37

The drug dogs must have been hungry!

the one day I had some of the best deer jerky I had ever made and they took it.

Because policemen have started to think they can do whatever they want & get away with it. Which they are.

sounds like the drug searching team were high and needed an excuse to jack munchies. you were the closest school :)