Bad idea

By 315 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I drank a good amount of vodka and cut my own hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 716
You deserved it 46 564

Top comments

Haha, I did that recently, except it was just my bangs. And tequila, instead. But damn if it isn't taking forever for my ******* bangs to grow out...

derailed 1

I hate the mods who let this stupid shit pass more than anything


Cowgirl_boots 0

whisky all the wayy! (: but cherry vodka is sprite is really good too..

purple_love_happ 4

vodka is good :) (I shouldn't be saying that, I'm underage)

drawmesunshine 17

I like to make Kool-Aid with vodka instead of water.

umm FYL? thats not that bad...ive accidently cut my own hair really short and it grew it out not a big deal :p

well done. A mate of mine did that yesterday too. Only it didn't look too bad.

Swimmers_nation 4

I'm guessing this didn't happen today if you drank that much....