Auntie Flow

By iluvjenknee - 22/01/2010 06:26 - United States

Today, at work, I was ringing up some tampons for a woman, and I usually try to interact with the shoppers as much as possible. I was trying to think of something witty or funny to say but drew a blank, so I decided just to say, "Have a nice night." What I actually said was, "Have a nice flow." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 696
You deserved it 33 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well... at least you weren't ringing up tampons for a man...

You should have told her you're a vampire and offered to eat her out

perdix 29

It could have been worse. You could have said, "Gimme a nice blow?" When she responded with that shocked look, you go on, "And maybe next week . . . ?"

dochoc_fml 0

how long did it take for you to make this story up? you suck at life

Just a hint for the OP and for cashiers everywhere: Don't comment on the items the customer is buying. Ever. No matter what. It's annoying and people hate it.

QueenB123 0

He got the words mixed up cause he was most likely looking at the tampons and wanted to say day but the tampon made him say flow (say what you see and not say what you think it happens all the time DUH !!) THINK

I agree with #28. It's easy to say what you see rather than what you mean to say. I do it all the time.

QueenB123 0

Thank You i mean everyones done it so these people just pissed me off

wow ur an ass hole that's totally offensive

this might doublepost.. anyway, agreed with #27. never comment on items if you're a cashier.

sarcdude 3

So let's say you're buying cereal and the cashier makes small talk with you to say it's their favorite, oh no so bad. One of peoples' problems today is they keep to themselves entirely too much.