As you were

By ryan and Zack - 25/02/2010 22:30 - United States

Today, I walked over to my grandmother's house to pay her a visit. I politely knocked on the door, and there was no answer. Fearing that something had happened, I violently broke down the door to find my grandma and her new 80 year-old boyfriend having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 287
You deserved it 7 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

timk_fml 2

did she leave her teeth in? gilf

ThatCoolGuy 0

would have been worse if the cops saw you breaking in haha


metalcoremaster 4
ZombieLoveA 0

Eeee... Thats one image I wouldn't want burned Into my memory... That's gross >.< sucks for you, but at least she was safe !

Pray that you Can do the same at that age! Good for Them.. Would hate to see it though

dabram71 1

All you whippersnappers saying old people having sex is gross, wait till you get old and the hooligans of the next generation are telling you how disgusting you are.