Another fine mess

By Stephanie - 05/03/2010 00:01 - United States

Today, I bought my wedding dress and sat it on the bed while I went to buy matching shoes. When I came home, I saw my soon to be husband on the bed sitting next to my wedding dress. Turns out he spilt Coca-Cola on the dress and was trying to get it out with carpet cleanser. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 675
You deserved it 5 520

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh fyl but you should of put it up somewhere safe

"Easily"? Have you seen the prices on wedding dresses?


ghostwitch1863 0

#44 yes I am a bitch but I can hold my head up high knowing I am not from Georgia nor stupid enough to not only leave an important dress out or marry some country trailer trash that drinks soda in the bed. Cheers!

u trick i think ur jus tryna make urself feel important tlkin bout someone and their FML post nobody cares if u got money cuz money aint everything unless ur jus a materialistic bitch

Look at you, trying to sound all important and self-righteous on the internet. Lmao. Welcome to the masses that DON'T CARE and will tear you apart no matter how "classy" you are. I put that word in parenthesis, by the way, because having class also means you have the sense to keep your mouth shut. I'm sorry you had a bad day or whatever, but why are you taking it out on "littler people" or whatever it is you have to say about Georgia. Does it make you feel like a tough woman? Good job. Now go punch a baby.

I think this should explain everything.

I truly pity closed minded, ignorant fools that don't think before opening their mouths. Stereotyping is a form of discrimination and shouldn't be tolerated..PERIOD! There is nothing wrong with being a bitch. there IS, however something wrong with being an ignorant one. Ignorance is bliss, ghostwitch and I hope that someone treats you with the same respect as you've shown here today.

to ghostwitch: i dont care what exactly you think of people from GA, but KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS TO YOURSELF! thank you for truely insulting me, all of my friends and family... maybe you should come to GA to learn some manners :D the last time i checked, i'm in college, and have never lived in a trailor. you must be from new york....

oh yeah, OP, i'm really sorry about your unfortunate mishap and hope that everything works out!

It's ok, put custom decorative flower over the spot and make it look like you meant to do it. :)

What? Mommy didn't hang it up for you? She didn't teach you to hang up your clothes either.

Your fiancé isn't very bright, is he? More to the point, why was he goofing off in your room while you were gone anyway? I smell a rat....

I'm sure OP was in a hurry but she should have at least hung up the dress or kept it in its bag. And your fiance must be a complete moron for going anywhere near that dress with a Coke.

Please forgive him. This is awful, and it's kind of the universal law of weddings that at least one just-awful thing just has to happen. In our case, we were married on a boat, and it was delayed 45 minutes because my maid of honor got lost on the way.

Failuree of a fiance but at least he tried cleaning it haha You shouldve put it away in a safe coke-free area!