Alexa, play "Medication" by Spiritualized

By In Pain - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had gum surgery. I can't laugh. I can't smile. I can't talk. I can't eat. All I can do is wait for the pain medication to kick in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 241
You deserved it 2 711

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After they kick in, you'll be able to laugh, smile, eat, sleep... Not to mention smile... And smile, did I say that? Have a fun recovery! :devil:

I've said this before, but I can't take pain medication (not strong medication anyway, paracetamol is fine). I've had surgery before too. suck it up OP, it could be worse afterall...

having had a similar thing a few years back, i sympathize with you. hope you feel better soon.

*Tells you a joke* *shows you a cute picture* *asks you a question* *Gives you a cookie* I feel bad OP, just hang in there.

PMP27 0

I had the same thing done i know how u feel

Shaydeeyo 0

I feel your pain, I had gum surgery a few yers ago.. Only, they gave me the wrong medication and I felt the entire procedure.. But I got away with punching the guy :)