Alexa, play "Lovesong" by The Cure

By Guitar-ZERO - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my band had a show. We played a love song, and during the bridge, I asked out a friend of mine who was in the crowd, over the mic, in front of at least 200 people. She said no. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 879
You deserved it 23 289

Top comments

FYL for getting turned down, YDI for setting yourself up in front of 200 people.

Well that certainly sucks for you, but it must have been hard for her to have you ask her out in front everyone.


ziqi92 0

at least this wasnt a marriage proposal...that would have made her look like a real douche. fyl hey i admire ut nerves to ask someone out in front of hundreds. u have confidence. hopefully it hasnt been completely shattered

christopherlove 0

YDI. That's why you always do that sort of thing in private. Not as big a fail as public marriage proposal, but still a fail nonetheless.

DeamonsAngel 0

Aww wow that sucks. The same thing almost happend to my brother only the members got in an accident

Sucks that she said no but you shouldn't have asked her out so publicly. It was probably just as embarrassing for her as it was for you.

Jennydew 0

Rejection hurts, but get over it. You don't need her if she couldn't at least agree to go on one date, since you asked in front of an audience.

UniquA 0

YDI, i would absolutely hate to be put on the spot like that. It's like you have to say 'yes.' She has a choice too and it was your fault for asking her in front of everyone.

PyroMicky 0

From a scientific point of view, it wasn't and FML at all. Finding for sure that something won't work is just as important as finding out it does, and that's kind of as sure as it gets. Hey, you have a band. People that have bands get lots of chicks.