911 what's your emergency?

By midwify - 05/01/2015 17:58 - Denmark - Asaa

Today, I gave birth to our first child at home. What was supposed to be a beautiful moment of us peacefully greeting our newborn, ended up with the cops knocking on our door. Apparently me giving birth sounds like a domestic dispute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 296
You deserved it 7 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What did u think you would sound like giving birth?

warning your neighbours would have been a much appreciated act. congratulations all the same


When I had my first kid (in the hospital) the lady in the room next to me was having twins so by comparison any screaming I did (lots) was nothing in comparison. Score one for hospital births.

I bet the police where more than happy when they arrived that it wasn't a domestic. They were probably happy to witness the miracle of childbirth.

Gowackie 14

How in the world would you consider it a peaceful entry into the world if you were making sounds so horrifying someone would call the police

A lot more peaceful than prying doctors and nurses.

^ and medical help if something is wrong. Home births are more dangerous for the mother and child and a stupid, selfish choice.

We already know what your perspective is, 46. Sit down.

You are incredibly incorrect. In a low risk pregnancy home births have been found safer.

maybe you should've given your neighbors a heads up?

Why in the actual **** would you give birth at home?! I mean even with a doctor present (if there was) many things could go wrong!

because people have their own personal opinions about what they want to do and dont need others judging them for not doing what the others would do.

Also, statistically, if you're not classified as high risk (determined by age, weight, health conditions, baby's position) it's safer to give birth at home or in a birth center. A lot of doctors in countries that aren't the United States wouldn't consider telling a client to have a baby in a hospital if everything looks good.

Hospitals aren't always so great for childbirth. There are horror stories, such as one where the baby began crowning but the nurses had to make her keep it in because the senior doctor was on his precious break and they couldn't proceed without him. You have to lie on your back and stare up and blinding lights, and a million people are looking and probing at you. Sometimes you share a room with another woman in delivery. Nevermind the cost! Of course it depends on the hospital, but some are worse than others.

stormstarcj 12

Great story to tell when the baby's older!

i mean it's not like you were singing a song. it's not supposed to sound beautiful to be in pain.

what else are they supposed to think when your neighbours hear "you son of a B! look at what you did to me!!", proceeded by numerous grunts, screams, and a possible vase or two smashing as they're thrown across the room, then relative silence? I'm surprised they didn't think something worse was happening.

You can't blame your neighbours for not wanting to listen to you birthing a child. They'll have enough on their plate having to listen to your baby cry every night for the next couple of years. Congratulations though?