By Heartbroken - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, I have to be at work with a smile on my face, whilst sitting next to the asshole who dumped me last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 864
You deserved it 5 842

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As many have said, office dating is a bad idea in the first place. Also, not every guy who dumps you is an a-hole - if he is one, why were you going out with him?


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As many have said, office dating is a bad idea in the first place. Also, not every guy who dumps you is an a-hole - if he is one, why were you going out with him?

claycalv 0

Same exact thing happened to me. Had to sit RIGHT next to her for two weeks, then she quit. Hope it all worked out.

that's why most companies have rules against that...YDI

Whilst is the word for snobbish rich ppl

Chocolate_Chunk 2

you just say that because you're piss poor

Proper grammar is for people who aren't idiots.

Actually, 'whilst' is for a person of ANY financial background with a little reading experience and some intelligence. A good vocabulary is evidence of a good brain.

That's y u never go out with sum1 at ur job I've learned that way not so pleasant


** That's why you never go out with someone at your job. I've learnt that way. not so pleasant. Learn to spell ******** -_- I hope it saved you time in your obviously busy life by contracting everything into stupid text language

he's probably not an asshole. You're over reacting; my ex-gf cussed me out for saying it in the nicest way possible. ydi

turkishjew 0

I would feel bad for you if you also said something like " he cheated on me so we broke up " he might have had a reason to break up with you