By stadams1024 - 11/09/2012 20:41 - United States - Keego Harbor

Today, while I was leaving the grocery store, I realized my ignition key was missing from my pocket. After searching the car and retracing my steps, I walked all the way home. Later, when we went to retrieve the car, the key was sitting in plain sight on the passenger seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 603
You deserved it 22 919

stadams1024 tells us more.

I am the OP. Let me explain the situation more in depth since I only had 300 characters to do so before. My husband had lost his car keys, so I gave him my set and I took the spare lock key and the spare ignition key. I needed to get some groceries and he was at work, so I just went. Before I got out of the car to go inside, I put the keys in my sweatshirt pocket and got out. I got my groceries and came back out to the car, and yes it was in the same spot. I reached in my pocket to pull out my keys and only the lock key was there. I unlocked the car and immediately searched both the front seats, under the seats, in the cracks between the seats and even the back seat. I looked under the car and in the ignition too. I retraced my steps in the store three times and then checked my car again. I asked the service desk if anyone turned in a loose key, but no one had. I called my husband but he couldn't leave to pick me up, so I walked 4 miles home. The walk itself wouldn't have been so horrible had I not broken my foot a few months ago; it still bothers me, and there weren't any sidewalks half the way, so I kept twisting my ankle in holes in the ground. After my husband came home from work, he took me back to the store with his keys and I drove home. It wasn't until a week or so later that I actually found the key in the passenger seat, close to where the back of the cushion and the seat of the cushion met. There is no way I could have missed it when I searched for it and I had driven it a handful of times between the incident and when I found it. It literally appeared out of thin air and it still baffles me.

Top comments

In my opinion that is a win win situation, good workout and you also found your keys.


In my opinion that is a win win situation, good workout and you also found your keys.

OP- you searched the car, but you didn't even look at the passenger's seat? I'm impressed, that takes remarkable stupidity. Bravo.

14 - all I can think of is The Office haha

justonecomment 2

At least you didn't leave then in the ignition and the car was running.

Makes sense because you know, cars make noise and keys belong in the ignition. Obviously op would have never known

68 - it's probably referring to another fml where a lady panicked searching for her keys. They were in the ignition and the car was running.

They were referring to it completely...were is the doubt coming from?

LO388 7

Ninjas were definitely messing with you OP. You too, #2.

Thursday737 7

I hate it when I leave my wallet in my ignition!

That really ******* sucks. But please next time don't leave your keys in plain sight. You will end up with your car stolen. (i know from experience)

How is she going to get her car stolen if she is sitting in the driver's seat the entire time?

She walked all the way home she wasn't in the car the whole time

9- Probably during the time Op was walking home, as I don't believe Op carried the car back home with him/her. :p

What if OP was part of the Flintstones! Then he could of walked home while in the driver seat!

Driblets 8

#88 your picture and your name made me jump for joy. I love LoL

007type 26

Mod's favourite topic these days.

perdix 29

Last week it was proving. Soon, we'll see, "Today, I was trying to prove to my dad that I could find my keys..."

Could have been worse, I dropped my keys in the golf course somewhere, and I had to walk the entire 7000 yard course again to find them, and yes the keys were in my bag, but I didn't realize there was a hole in it.

007type 26
perdix 29

You should give up golf. There are 18 holes all ready to suck your keys away.

I didn't make the comment to clear, the keys fell out of the hole in my golf bag. Perdix, I am not giving up golf. I have to get a scholarship, because that is the only way I am going to get to college. Those are my dad's exact words

perdix 29

#41, did you take me seriously? Do you really think I think that golf holes suck keys into them? When I putt, they don't even suck balls! Good luck with the golf scholarship!

No I didn't think they suck keys into the holes, I may be blonde but I'm not dumb, but thanks :)

olpally 32

The matrix and it's key maker strike again!! Or it was noor the ninja... :D

It's obvious someone took the key, then put it back when you left, just to **** with you.

This is why keyless ignitions are great. If the key is anywhere in the car, it starts. Not that this helps you in any way.

amandajlucas2015 2

No keyless ignitions are not always great.. My mom has one and one time she went to the store and got to messing with all her grocery lists and coupons and her car is so quiet she forgot is was on and she got out and left the car running and unlocked the whole time she was in the store.. Someone could have easily hopped in and drove off.. So I will stick w the regular old fashioned keys

MrBond007_fml 6

58 I'm not sure you know what a keyless ignition is...

64: I think she was implying that since her mom left the "key" (the remote signals to the computer system that the rightful owner is in the vehicle) in the car, anyone could've gotten in and driven off. Though its "keyless" you still have to have the remote inside the vehicle to start the engine fully.

You were talking about my rock-hard buttocks and rippling chest.

At least you keys didn't get locked in your car!