By Anonymous - 01/09/2018 18:30

Today, I spent $50 buying flea bombs so not only my dogs, but my son could relax a little in my home instead of fighting off those tiny little circus bastards. Today, I got in my car and the fleas attacked me mercilessly until I got to work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 652
You deserved it 424

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because “I have fleas” usually isn’t a good enough reason to not go to work.

May I recommend a flea preventative called Bravecto it last three months (usually runs $60) but it’ll definitely work better than “coconut oil”, “vinegar”, “flea shampoo” and most definitely flea bombs. 💀


use coconut oil on the dogs! coat them in it! itll suffocate the fleas. worked for me! after 2 days, bath them, wash out all the dead fleas. than repeat!

That literally does nothing since fleas don't actually live on animals (only feed off of them) and it sounds like she's dealing with a pretty bad infestation.

May I recommend a flea preventative called Bravecto it last three months (usually runs $60) but it’ll definitely work better than “coconut oil”, “vinegar”, “flea shampoo” and most definitely flea bombs. 💀

blondie45 21

My question is why did you go to work where you can spread the fleas!?

Because “I have fleas” usually isn’t a good enough reason to not go to work.

Emma Marshall 19

OP - You have to treat the dogs with a real and effective flea treatment from your Vet, re-treat the house, treat your car, and wash your clothes and bedding in hot water all in the same time frame to avoid re-infestation. People who cannot take care of their pets really should reconsider what they are doing.

Getting fleas has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you take care of your pets dumbass

Then explain why OP waited, for what is implied, several days/weeks before doing something about the fleas? All indicative of "poor" pet ownership

KaylaJo334 12

Those things are preventable you know.

i hope op sees this comment. I had fleas in my old apartment. Flea bombs,treatments for the cats,sprays,oils ect didnt work. The way to get rid of them is do a deep clean, vacuum everything,vacuum the couches,under the cushions,the underside of anything that touches the floor, wash every item of clothes,bedding ect any fabric eggs will stick to. then Borax- like the white stuff that some people use on laundry sprinkle that shit everywhere-get it in the cracks in the floors,sweep it around,pour it under things, give the pets a dust bath in borax. After hundreds upon hundreds of dollors a few $8 boxes of borax solved my problem.

Don't use coconut oil. It doesn't do anything. Once you get the flea population under control, your dog should go on a monthly flea prevention. There are some that are combined with heartworm prevention, but you can only get them through a veterinarian with an up to date heartworm test. There is a new prevention for fleas and ticks that works really well, called Simparica. Don't use flea baths EVER. And avoid grocery store brands like Hartz or others. Treat your home and your yard routinely for 3 months to break the cycle and keep your animals on flea prevention to avoid another outbreak. Fleas can pass on bartonella and other nasty organisms, not to mention the danger of flea anemia that can and will kill an animal.