By Anonymous - 16/06/2017 21:00 - Brazil

Today, I decided to drink a tea that I was told is good for regulating the intestine and losing weight. I was drinking it all day. This evening, while on a dinner date with my crush, I suddenly felt some action in my belly and ran to the bathroom. I stayed in there for a half hour and when I finally came out, he was already in the car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 254
You deserved it 2 030

Top comments

flyingflies 36

It sucks, that's true, but honestly, what did you expect to happen after drinking all day that kind of tea?

And then, when you ran out to stop him before he could leave, he greeted you with, "I like guys."


LEbleuDESreves 10

why did you choose THAT day to start drinking that beverage???

I'm a bit confused. How did you think the detox was going to work? It went in, you had to know it would come out somewhere.