By fmylyfe - 09/11/2013 14:15 - United States - Saint Paul

Today, while working at Chipotle, a teenage girl asked in all seriousness if she "could have a steak burrito, but with like, chicken instead?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 898
You deserved it 3 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Chicken fried steak, anyone? The most confusing dish name ever.

euphoricness 28

And then she asked for sour scream and cheese without like, the cheese?


I apologize to everyone for my generation.

Yeah, cause only ours has idiots, right?

perdix 29

What's the difference? You're really making her a rice burrito -- the origin of the teaspoon of meat you put in is not a big deal.

yorkie0333 13

Number one that comment was offensive I'm a blonde teenage girl and I'm not dumb. -.- she could easily be a brunette or redhead

1s comment wasn't even offensive, it was just asking if the girl's hair color was that of the majority of girls who say stupid things.

Majority of girls who say silly things aren't blonde. It has nothing to do with hair color..

Blonde jokes/ stereotypes exist because of the majority. Not that the hair color is the cause, but it is a very strange coincidence.

Not helping the "we are not dumb" case by posting a whole new comment. You could have replied to the first comment under the first comment.

It's spelled without the 'e' in some parts if the world.

Both spellings are correct. I think one spelling is for men, the other spelling is for women.

I don't get the problem.. she just wanted chicken instead?

She should have asked for a chicken burrito...instead of a steak one, but with like chicken instead. Ya know?

But if "chicken burrito" isn't a main menu item, (which I don't know because I'm not American) then what the girl asked for was fair in my opinion.

Zimmington 21

84- The chicken burrito is a regular menu item probably next to or at least close to the steak burrito

The reason why her question is dumb is because of the way Chipotle is set up. When you order a burrito in Chipotle, it's all up to you. You choose your meat topping first then add other things like rice, lettuce, salsa, you name it. Asking for a steak burrito but with chicken instead is dumb because she could have just asked for chicken then added whatever she wanted on the burrito. I hope this clears it up.

I agree with 84. I did this exact thing because I had never ordered there before, but what my boyfriend had with steak looked amazing. Their menu was super confusing for a first timer.

Maybe she should just order a chicken burrito next time?

It would kind of make sense if the steak burrito cost less but I doubt that's the case.

This is the part where you tell her "sorry, no substitutions" and see what happens. Perhaps her brain will explode.

WhiteZoneRedZone 6

No, that only happens if her math teacher asks her to divide by zero.