By I'm a pussy, yeah yeah - 05/09/2015 05:56 - United States - Lake Elsinore

Today, my psycho cat stood on my toilet seat and challenged me to a stand-off. After 10 minutes, I couldn't hold it in any more and asked to use my neighbor's bathroom instead. I told him my toilet was broken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 950
You deserved it 10 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Assert your dominance by peeing in its litter box and then guarding said litter box whenever your cat has to go.


countryb_cth 38

The cat will literally stand on OP. Not moving and not letting OP move

Clearly you are the pussy in this relationship, but at least you know it, given your username.

Seriously, it's a friggin' cat. It's what? A tenth OP's size? If that. What's he gonna do? Scratch her? Woop-de-friggin-doo. That should only be scary enough to drive you from your own home if you only 8 ounces of blood in your whole body. Be a woman get that damn cat off your toilet.

if you only *have 8 ounces of blood in your whole body. Damn my late night drunken pseudo-illiteracy.

TomeDr 24

Time the call in Jackson Galaxy from "My Cat From Hell". Great show.

Good god it's a freaking cat dump some water on it, get the vacuum punch it in the face anything just grow a pair

Lift the cat up and move it out of the way.