By Can you say "bandwagon"? - 03/10/2012 21:33 - United States

Today, my neighbors discovered Gangnam Style. Ever since I moved in, they've had an obsession with getting wasted by noon and blasting out shitty music all through the evening. I could just about deal with their dubstep fixation before, but now I just want to blow my own head off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 428
You deserved it 4 701

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your neighbors sound cool. I would go party with them.

Heeeeeyyy Ssseeeexxxxyy llllaaaaaddddddyyy!!!!!


Haha wow weird coincidence. Today was the day the chinese exchange students came to my high school and we all did gangnam style :D at least its not shittyass justin bieber, nicki minaj, wiz khalifa, etc etc.

Yeah, honor the Chinese students by doing a Korean song/dance. That totally shows class and lack of racial ignorance.

raraisbang 12

This is the second person in twenty minutes I've seen insinuating that gangnam style is Chinese. Really guys? Do you really assume all Asians are Chinese? I guess the other ones like Koreans and Japanese folk are just pretending. They must really be Chinese.

SpikyG 3

Do the Gangnam Style With Them

Ummm believe it or not that's me....literally I'm your neighbor

bstudds 1

this would be really funny if it were true.

chastifer 2

You my good sir have NO taste in modern music lawl... Nobody is in to rock anymore and rap is fading slowly... Its techno stuff like dubstep and the gay stuff like usher

You just insulted so many Korean people and other people from diff countries that like hangman hat style of music . You are very rude and ignorant little white trash .

Oh wow, I didn't realize there were any more Gangnam style haters. I thought I was the only one.

MasterL 3

Worst FML. How did it go through moderation?