By that makes me a sad panda - 19/05/2014 21:44 - Sweden - Ume

Today, my landlord's control issue got out of control when I got a call telling me I have "too much stuff" and have to move out of the apartment. I sold all my furniture when I moved in and all I currently own is a scratch post, a chair and a pair of curtains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 903
You deserved it 4 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd show him how much stuff you actually have and ask for his suggestion on how you could minimise this further.

What, not even a bed!? OP are you a cat?


FYI...he/she cannot do that...if you've lived there for 60 days he has to go through the eviction process...F him/her

randybryant799 20

Why would you sell all your furniture before you move into an unfurnished apartment? That makes no sense.