By Iloverainbows10 - 18/12/2013 16:44 - United States - Brunswick

Today, my husband and I were arguing about him not communicating anymore. Instead of talking to me about it, he messages my mom to say, "I'm not mentally strong enough to handle her anymore." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 611
You deserved it 5 550

Iloverainbows10 tells us more.

He wasnt always like this. Used to listen and talk. Now hands are just being thrown up in the air. Says he doesnt know how to handle fights.

Top comments

It sounds like you two need help; maybe in the form of a therapist.

emirie 21

My fiancé would do almost the same thing to me. Couples therapy helped a lot.


people are only seeing this from one perspective but maybe you guys have been fighting so much and youre the type to push shit when he just wants it to stop. im the same way. Used to communicate to my other half but when theres only one direction you see the fight and you know whats coming... its easier just to shut down and lock up. i feel bad for him