By sad face - 07/03/2012 19:25 - Canada

Today, my history teacher confiscated my iPhone. She dropped it on the way back to her desk, and I now have a shattered iPhone screen to fix. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 518
You deserved it 32 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You probably could make her pay for it. Sure you weren't supposed to be using it in class, but that deserved confiscating, not BREAKING. (Also don't they have cases and stuff that you can get so that kind of shit doesn't happen? Otter box or something?)


make sure the teachers pays for it -_-

sillymcbilly 7

lol,no good yo.. i got jacked for my iphone on a main street a few weeks ago and all the guy did was chuck it at the ground and said your not like anyone else... and walked away.. it was wierd.. but yeah anyways. don't get caught next time :P

She actually can't take away your cell phone whether it's the rules, or not. It's illegal. People just don't know that. Or think that they're right to argue a point and say,"yeah you signed that piece of paper" no. They are wrong. Don't give it to them. =]

And it may make me weird but I can't help but want to see your right foot haha

Too bad you're incorrect. Teachers and principals can confiscate and search anything of yours while you are on school premises if you are breaking rules: Look up New Jersey vs. TLO

Actually a minor has no legal right to property. If it was on him then LocoParenti applies and it legally now belongs to the school since e took it on their property.

AlaskaKid95 7

Yeah I tried that I got to keep my phone, but I also got a 10 day suspension...

Yeah, too bad I have it all on legal documents that either way, it's YOUR property. It's the same thing as theft. I'm in school to be a lawyer. But I guess you know it all, right?

JustStella 28

As much as that sucks, you made your bed, hun.

Make her pay for it or learn to hide your phone

fyl for the phones destruction, but ydi for not being able to abstain from using ur phone in class

Ydi for having it out in class and for being a pawn and owning an iPhone

She wouldn't have even known you had it had it been on silent or if you weren't using it.