By bcca - 13/02/2012 14:22 - United States

Today, my grandma sent me a Valentine's Day card. For years she's been hinting at me to lose weight. The card: a picture of cookies on the front and a gym membership inside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 175
You deserved it 6 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gym membership is often expensive and you just got it for free...


fogrunner 13

Newsflash! Everyone needs exercise.

I'm sorry your grandmother's giving you low self-esteem or whatever, but a free gym membership is awesome! I would love it if someone would pay my gym fees. Use that bad boy. You don't have to take it as an insult, you know.

i get the feeling it is the new lifetime that place is awesome

ZeroCharisma 0

I would love for someone to give me a gym membership, even if it did mean they thought I was overweight. By giving you that gym membership, your grandmother is showing you that she cares enough about you to do something she thinks will help you, even if it might embarass you or make you mad at her. That's what love really is, being able to tell a person the truth because you love them too much not to. Make good use of that gym membership. It will seriously change your life and you will feel amazing being healthier, fitter and sexier! Or if your grandma is crazy and thinks you're overweight when you're really not, just use it to get even healthier. Everyone benefits from exercise.

wolfpack2013 0

Yeah, after reading this message I can definitely tell that you're not overweight. As an overweight person in the process of losing weight, I have some insight on what this person may be going through. Being made fun of or embarrassed because of weight issues is hurtful. Even if they are trying to "encourage" you to lose weight out of "love," it still doesn't feel good. People don't want to be told the truth by other people because the truth hurts. I'm losing weight because I want to, not because my parents and friends have essentially bullied me to do it for several years. Exercise may be beneficial, but it's not fun. I hate people who tell me that exercise makes you feel better because it doesn't. That's what people who like exercise say, not fit people.

That's mean. Tell her thanks for her consideration, but instead of going to the gym, you'll just stop eating her meals, because they've sucked for years anyway, and you didn't know the right way to tell her. Nvm, that's too harsh.

lose weight you fat ****! your grandmaw is a good one as she is concerned about your health you ungrateful tub of lard. go to the gym or commit suicide

Take it as a sign... "you want to eat all the cookies you want?" ("yeah!" ^_^) "Ok, lose all the calories of Eatting all of em! HOHOHOHO" ^o^

briannajm 9

She wants you to be healthy .