By DandoisFLAT - 12/08/2013 02:42 - United States - Milford

Today, my girlfriend texted me "I think we should move in". Then, ten seconds later she sent another text that said, "Sorry, typo. Move on". FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 104
You deserved it 3 292

DandoisFLAT tells us more.

DandoisFLAT 10

Hey, just wanted to inform everyone that yes, she is obviously my ex-girlfriend now and that i'm feeling fine. I was actually out skateboarding with some friends when i got the texts from her, and once i showed them, they made me feel a lot better. We were actually dating for a year and almost two months, but i never thought she would end it like that. So between my friends and the support from you guys i realized that i deserved better then her and i'll be more careful next time in choosing a partner. Thanks guys :)

Top comments

incoherentrmblr 21

Reply: "You were my main girl." Seconds later,"Sorry, typo, side girl."


This is one of the problems with technology and instant communication. "Back in the day" you would have gotten the "lets be friends" speech.

Totally unrelated to the FML...but that is a beautiful bird. Is he/she yours?

Or you would have gotten a break up note stuck in your locker.

PhishloverA 14

That could be confusing though. Almost makes someone think that she meant move on with your relationship after an argument or something

Neither "move in" nor "move on" is the sort of sentiment that one should express in a text. Have the ovaries to break up with your boyfriend face-to-face, for crying out loud!

Congratulations are in order! This is an ftw as breaking up should not be done via impersonal texting, and on top of that not with a typo. You dodged a bullet so to speak.

notoriousbob 11

It went from ohh?? to ohh shit

Maybe it was the other way around. Just because OP was hurt doesn't mean he was lovin hard on this one. Seems like he took it in stride. Way to go OP and remember - you can't turn a hoe into a housewife.

peterj96 11

Should a responded with "f*ck please no!" Then a minute later, "oh just got the second text, k" then post on Facebook "She beat me to it, so I guess that worked out perfectly"

Glad you were with friends and were able to get support right away. It makes a big difference.