This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Anonymous - 28/12/2015 04:46 - United States - Windsor Heights

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting intimate for the first time when she noticed I only have one testicle. She immediately broke up with me, for she doesn't want her future sons to be gay because they'll only have half of their testosterone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 484
You deserved it 2 135

Top comments

You're so much better of without her! You don't want your kids to be stupid because of getting no intelligence at all from her!

Oh wow that's ridiculous. Well at least you know now she wasn't right for you. You wouldn't want to be with someone that naive


CookieCat327 9

You're better off this way. She's not intelligent. And a gay-hater.

You should have said 'just as well because I don't want a child with someone with half a brain' oooosshh

saffy66 34

You may not think it now OP but you've dodged one big bullet there. Imagine having kids with her; by her logic they'd only have half a brain. But her so called logic falls over anyway - if that was going to cause her sons to be gay, then you would be too. Sounds like you haven't known her too long anyway so hopefully you've already forgotten her.

Think you dodged the dumb on that one.

Wow she is a special kind of stupid. You didn't loose anything special.. ok you did loose something special but hers ends with Ed..

Well, she only has half a brain, so I guess you're even.

That is some messed up shit. Really. How is this even possible. How can someone be so stupid..

Be happy you only have one. Imagine you had 2 and would never found out what an ignorant person you are dating. You dodged a bullet. Hopefully you find someone with some common sense that is not a complete idiot.