By Anonymous - 06/12/2013 16:13 - United States - San Francisco

Today, my girlfriend and I finally watched Toy Story 3; I ended up crying when the toys almost die. After the movie, my girlfriend broke up with me because I embarrassed her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 259
You deserved it 12 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Go find that girl obsessed with disney princesses who posted recently, you're a perfectly sappy match!

That was a really emotional movie, and tears do not emasculate a person.


I have real emotions, so I cry sometimes. But when I do it's poisonous. Because I'm a real man, and real men cry venom.

perdix 29

#59, dude, when you're in a hole, stop digging! When one of my crass threesome comments gets more up-votes than any of yours, it might be time to drop back and punt. You may be right, but the current audience isn't buying it.

Don't worry OP, she will come back to you after going out with a "real man" who only shows his emotion while beating the crap out of his loved ones.

CallMeMcFeelii 13

Psh! Doc real men don't cry venom! Men cry little tiny baby hyenas that grow up to become our best friend. And when the times come to put that best friend down, we cry yet another one! That's why we can't cry all the time, cuz who wants a **** ton of hyenas running around!? That's just ridiculous.

CynthiaMeAtSix 7

Is your girlfriend an emotional robot?! Who didn't cry when that happened?!

Time to move on, bro! I was 23 the first time I saw Toy Story 3 and remember seeing the original Toy Story as a kid- needless to say I got a little choked up about the ending of the trilogy too.

So instead of comforting you she just broke up ? Sorry but she was quite an asshole. It's kind of stupid to be upset by the story of a movie, a book or a show but come on! Once you get in the story you feel it. That's the creator's idea, isn't it ? I also tear up at some movies and probably many others.

I cried so hard at the end. I ideally don't cry at movies but that's one of the ones that I did cry really hard at.

Well then, she lost a very sensitive guy who many other girls would love!