By N - 08/02/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, my best friend told me she wanted to rape my throat. I did not know that was possible. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 380
You deserved it 5 243

Same thing different taste


xsydbabyx 0

Your best 'girl' friend, Has a penis. Sux4u.

I make jokes like that all the time with my friends. She's either joking, or literally wants to. I'm leaning towards the joking option.

I agree, I'm the same with my friends too. By the way, I absolutely love your pic 38 :D

I've been raped in the neck and kind of liked it.

jbabe 0

that isn't really an FML thing.

invindia93 0
jennifersaballa 0

Haha, i defiantly said that to my friend before and what i meant was that his voice was sexy and that if it was possible i would rape it not him cause i didn't really find him that attractive but it could also be used for someone attractive. :)

It's pretty obvious what happened here. Some guy had said it to her before, meaning he wanted to really thrust her throat, and she was simply repeating it, unwittingly out of gender context.

LOLWUT moar info nao plz

carly546 0

might not be a FML but definitly made me lol