By PIGaming - 28/10/2013 05:35 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, l grounded my 17-year-old son from his computer because of his terrible attitude towards his homework. As payback, he convinced my 5-year-old daughter that if she goes to sleep, she'll never wake up. I now have a hysterical and sleepless child to deal with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 718
You deserved it 8 673

PIGaming tells us more.

Hey all, im OP (although as my first time ever commenting, I hope this actually works!) Of course, in the end, my daughter fell asleep. although it was around 1am, a time I thought no five year old was physically capable of acheiving. You might say it was almost worse the next day, as she was very grumpy and tired! I forbid my son from attending a party (supposedly the 'party of the year'), and have spoken to his school who are arranging a meeting with him to discuss ways of bettering his homework skills and general motivation. Of course he probably despises of me, but I dont want him to look back on school like I have and regret he didn't work hard enough, let alone AT ALL. Thanks for all the comments, and hopefully I can interact more on this site with the community.

Top comments

But she'll fall asleep eventually, and you can punish your boy for even longer!

Or punish him even worse by making them share rooms.


It sounds like your kid has some anger management issues. Especially if he is going to make his little sister suffer for something she had no involvement with his initial punishment, and I grew up with brother 5 years older than me, so it's not like I am out in left field. As for hw, he can find other methods of completing online assignments I'm sure. I didn't get a laptop until college while given plenty of online assignments. Perhaps you can make him work to pay off the original price of the laptop. He learns the value of a dollar, and he will learn not to be spiteful and rude. You win both ways.

Being seventeen years old can suck. Maybe he's depressed, and that's why he has a shitty attitude? If so, his computer can be a distraction for him, sort of like when some people drink alcohol to forget their problems. I know kids can be annoying, but try to be understanding with teenagers. Things for them are very complicated nowadays. High school is not easy. Well, the level of difficulty, is, but that's not what I mean. Highschoolers are expected to do a shit ton of homework which doesn't teach them anything, its just busy work. Its frustrating. And it can be a lonely time also. While one's brain is still developing, different things are important than they are for a fully grown adult. If a teenager has a shitty attitude all the time, don't get pissed at them, even if you're angry. Try to help them feel better.

Ydi, never break a nerd up with their computer.

Im sure somebody already said what I'm about to say but im not reading all of the previous comments to find out, but I know if these were my kids, my son would have a new room mate until this phase passed.

Your fault fur grounding him let him have some freedom

Yeah that's great advice coming from someone who uses "fur" instead of "for"

What's with all the **** tards saying you deserve this?

give her some benidryle just a little and she will sleep like a kitten.

so op's daughter has to be medicated cuz the son is an asshat?

Let her sit in his room while he tries to sleep, I'm sure he'll regret it then. IMO, you're not wrong for punishing him, OP. Anyone saying that you are (ahem, #113) is probably a teenager themselves.

yesyesnonono 10

OP is pulling our collective leg. A student who doesn't like homework? Where does this guy get off?