By lolographic24 - 13/02/2010 13:44 - Norway

Today, it was my turn to take out the trash. While walking to the dumpster, I slip and fall. It doesn't really hurt, so I get up and go to the dumpster, but the top is frozen stuck. It won't budge. Then I really pull with a lot of force, and the lid swings open and busts my nose. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 334
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mx_Rider 6

LMFAO this fml is full of fail. from the moment you started typing to the part where you busted your damn nose :D


liveurlife512 0
perdix 29

Dumpster-diving can be dangerous -- the hobos make it look easy.

Mx_Rider 6

lmao! i moderated this fml below VVVV Today, snickerdoodles touched me in my special place, FML

quinz 4

Your switching of tenses makes my empathy level go down a lot.

AngryNinja 1

the fact that op is Norwegian could cause this to happen. English is probably not their first language.

Ajjas013 6

Ninja, OP busted his nose on purpose so he could have something to write about.

AngryNinja 1
afarr 0

yeah, i pull my dick off all the time to put it on fml. FML

AngryNinja 1

you only have a strap-on? i'm so sorry. :(

The start "Today, it was my turn to take out the trash" made me think the OP was Arnold Schwarzenegger but this fml is as bad as Kindergarten Cop. Who is your daddy and what does he do?

afarr 0

mah choppa is 4 hookers only. Mercy; you're an exception ;)

Bugatti_Veyron 1

ydi for living in an apartment. if your parents weren't lazy fatasses and had real jobs maybe this wouldn't have happened!

MF12 0

you know we ARE still in a recession- oh wait. you don't know what that is, right? well, see it's when a bunch of people's mommies and daddies lose their jobs because their work place doesn't have much money. still don't understand? well, you're a spoiled rich brat who thinks the world owes you something. guess what! it doesn't.

Bugatti you fail at life Perhaps the OP A) Owns a condo B) Is living at university C) Has one of those neighborhoods where each street has a dumpster so that the dump trucks only have to stop at each street instead of each house D) Lives in a city where houses are out of most people's price ranges (kinda of like in NY - how many people in NYC do you think actually have a house?) E) Just prefers living in an apartment (no utilities to pay for in a lot of cases, the building owner has to take care of most issues and malfunctions, less responsibilities with the city, etc.) How is where the OP lives any of your business?

amatayo 0

I'm sure that's your car  idiot

Bugatti_Veyron 1

all of you don't diserve to live in a country with such great opertunites if your to stupid and lazy to take advantage of them!