By limping - 24/01/2014 23:10 - Canada

Today, in revenge for being grounded for bullying a kid at school, my eight-year-old son flung a handful of Lego in my path as I walked barefoot into the kitchen. I'm still in pain. 5ML
I agree, your life sucks 46 677
You deserved it 9 078

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That kid is brutal! Definitely deserves an old fashioned spanking for that

I think you may need to read that again


devin_t_s 5

The bullying problems are a direct result of how well you parent your child.

I may get downvoted for this. But punishing a kid isnt always a good way to resolve an issue. In fact it sparks the bully a hint of anger to spread out his anger upon other people, leading them down a longer and darker path. There might be needed more attention towards the child, ask him questions on why and how he can fix the situation. Extend the grounding just for trying to seek revenge. A good talming can go a long way!

If you don't punish a child, how is this said child not going to learn? That is basically giving them the green light to bully/cause more pain and they think it's okay.

Guess I'm the only one who studied Child Psychology.... :( Do what you must FML....Do what you must!

I understand what you're saying. I think there should be some punishment in that situation, but if they think there's an underlying issue they should seek help for that child, therapy or whatever is necessary. Unfortunately not all families have access to those resources so punishment is the only resource they have.

This is cruel... :( If this time you haven't maybe next time you should explain to him why he got the punishment and why was it wrong that he'd done, this may help him to think about what he did and not how to fight back.

Throw away all Lego's, swat child, send to room, remove Lego's from refuse, list tjem on ebay, use Lego money for house slippers.....Problems solved!

AngelPendragon 9

seriously? stepping on leg is is not that painful, you sound like a freakun wuss by saying that they are sooo painful. try having glass cut through your toe to the bone or getting shot then we can discuss pain

Judging my your grammar skills, you would up stepping in glass or getting shot. Seriously, go step on a ******* lego.

What you apparently don't understand is the long standing running joke about Legos. No, in the real world stepping on Legos isn't that terrible. But it's a meme and basically a joke that stepping on Legos is the seventh layer of Hell on the pain scale. Not trying to down play whatever injuries you've ever had but a sense of humor helps in this situation, and not taking things so literally.

iiGlowup 5

Lucky he isn't my son, after bullying someone he would've already had gotten a spanking. There are kids commuting suicide over this. It's very serious. Not just a "phase" stop it while he's still young. Before your son stops somebody else child from err walking through the door again.

I use to never pick my Lego up and mum would always walk on it. She warned me that if I didn't pick it up so she would stop walking on it, then she would get rid of it! My mother, true to her word, stepped on another piece of Lego and grabbed all she could find, sat me at the door while she fired up the BBQ and burnt the whole lot while I watched! Need less to say, I never got Lego again, never left any more toys out, and I still haven't bought myself any Lego even to this day after that day. You know what you need to do with the Lego! The pain will go away then.

Double grounding. He needs some severe disciplining or he's going to grow up to be an asshole.