By fatcat117 - 22/04/2011 01:53 - United States

Today, in order to avoid seeing my ex-girlfriend in class, I changed my schedule for "personal reasons." Apparently she had the same idea and changed her schedule as well. We now have all the same classes together. Before, we had just two. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 374
You deserved it 9 780

Same thing different taste


That sucks. Try avoid her in class the most you possibly can.

Dudelike89 8

No. What he needs to do is stare her down all day. Make her feel comfortable.

This is like karma, except you didn't do anything bad, just stupid.

enonymous 8

I hope you consider moving next so you 2 can be next door neighbors. Hope she's not a screamer

BuckeyeNut28 1

or a bitch who won't let you have fun with your music!!

now she'll probably think you're stalking her.

Change classes for a girl? Wimp. Confrontation of your little problems is the shit that is supposed to go down, man.

Change classes for a girl? Wimp. Confrontation of your little problems is the shit that is supposed to go down, man.

This has -8 likes and your double post has +9 currently. Makes sense.

Way to be mature about things op. In life your going to be with people you don't like. You should learn to deal with it.

superman21_fml 19

I'm guessing these 2 are in middle, maybe high school. maturity probably isn't much of a factor at this point. time to grow up, op and learn to take rejection like a man!

TinyDude 10
MemeriGoesRawr 8

That Sucks . That's Why I'm Glad I Wasn't In The Same Grade As My Ex Boyfriend .

lucas755 1

It's A Disease. I've Been Infected Too. Run.