By 6boss - 03/11/2010 05:00 - France

Today, in art class, everybody was showing the paintings that we have been working on for weeks. Everyone was cheering and clapping. When mine came up, nobody clapped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 021
You deserved it 4 703

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Na8 0

sorry,they just don't look at things the way u do,just don't mind them there the least of Ur problems


Next time try some real life art. Run on stage, throw a bucket of paint on everyone and then dance around like a loony. Call it your attempt to illustrate how in your face art is these days.

lol, I've got to admit.. when ever I read your comments, I hear Alphonse in my head.. FMA is amazing!!

Lol. Nice. Thats what I was going for. ;-)

qsdmlkj 0

aaawkward you're probably a huge bitch though otherwise you would at least got some sympathy applause

I know how you feel. They were reading off the people who got in to honor orchestra. Everyone cheered for the people who got in. When my name came there was a "boo" :c Oh well. People kinda...suck. :/

Get use to it. Unless you’re trying for graphic design for movies, games, advertizing then you’re just wasting your time anyways so might as well become good friends with failure because that’s all artists can do.

SighOfTheWorld 7

Either they're all friends and don't really know you, or your painting blew all theirs out of the water and they didn't know what to say. So don't worry about it. I don't see why people have to be so nasty on here. But I do agree with #32's do have to get used to rejection no matter which field you go into.

Well get rpracticing and get better lol! So everyone will clap for you.....

DarkHelmet 10

there's were just to good and yours sucked something awful!!!

*** um! Mayb they don't appreciate gd art! Lool orrrr....they were in so much shock that u couldav done such a great job!