By Danny - 25/04/2011 13:07

Today, I witnessed two women in a catfight, ripping clothes off each other. This would have been great if the two women weren't my mom and my grandma. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 841
You deserved it 4 620

Same thing different taste


Wowforealz 0

So, umm, not my mum or granny, so where might I find the video mate? Just kidding, that is wrong, sucks for you. But why would they try to rip each others clothes off? Exactly what point will that prove? If you're going to fight, why not actually fight?

So if it were two 20 year old chicks you didn't know you would stand there and gawk at them while they fought and potentially injured each other? Wow.

I read this and couldn't stop laughing, and I though my family was odd