By AceGeek - 22/07/2011 23:49 - United States

Today, I went to see a movie I'd been waiting months for. A couple of women sat down a few rows in front of me with five infants. The infants cried and wailed throughout. I'm not sure I have any idea what was actually said in any of the dialogue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 394
You deserved it 3 169

AceGeek tells us more.

It was a midnight showing of Captain America. I was not going to bitch them out, because I am not absolutely rude. I was trying to show respect for mothers that have to take care of a child. I am just disappointed that I could not hear the dialogue. Yes, I did get a refund after I explained the situation, and I am going to go see it tomorrow. Hope that clears it up.

Top comments

I will never understand why people think it's a good idea to bring a baby into the movies.

I would have said SHUT YOUR DAMN CHILDS MOUTH -_-


I'm really sorry, op. Ugh! I hate it when people bring babies to the movies!!!

Hidan_fml 0

Reminds me of one time, me and Kakuzu went to go see a movie. Throughout the whole time he was counting his money and telling me this was a waste of money and time and that we shouldn't have gone. I got so pissed, I snatched his money and threw it all across the theater. He then proceeded to cry like a baby, resulting in us getting kicked out.

Should have asked the parents to either control the kids and if they refused went and found a manager to remove them from the theater.

ahh the typical baby. feed it some roaches then it'll stfu. >;DD

op YDI because movie theaters (atleast AMC) has a science is golden rule. and if a bratty little twat is crying you go get someone that works there. preferably a manager because they are the only ones that are technically allowed to kick people out and have them gtfo. or see an r movie after 6pm at AMC no kids under 6 are allowed. or you could have moved. or tell them to stfu.

would "science is golden" be right up there with "math is power"?

Usually at the theaters here, the usher will escort those parents and kids out. Op should have complained to the theatre and either get their money back or get tickets to see that movie another time. I've had to do that once, and they gave me comp tickets.

what mother takes 5 INFANTS to a movie theater....

that's why we can laugh at dead baby jokes

not to mention movie theaters are extremely loud for infants. its a bad idea all around