By Shawty - 03/11/2009 03:41 - United States

Today, I went on a date, and within the first five minutes, he said, "Before we go any further and get anymore serious, you need to know a few things, I have kissed a guy drunk because it was a dare, and have a $400 silk rose Victoria's Secret blanket." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 326
You deserved it 5 840

Same thing different taste

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Today, I went on a date and to lighten the mood a little, I told her that I had kissed a guy drunk and have a $400 silk rose Victoria's Secret blanket. She clearly didn't get it, and was so horrified that she went home and posted what I said on the internet. FML

Haha!!! That's a winner in my eyes. I don't think this is fml, it's just funny and cute.


lil_sparky 0

I agree with a lot of people here. WTF is the problem with that? So he's comfortable enough with who he is that he can kiss a guy drunk without feeling like an idiot, and knows what he likes when it comes to sheets. What's bad about that?

xX_FML_much_Xx 0

okay, i will say this 1 more time THE GUYS A FREAKING POOFTER!

megmegmegmeg 0

yeah i get that it's good he's honest. but in the first five minutes? come on, that's creepy!

YDI... if ur not even thankful that you actually found a truthful guy.

metalpunk_fml 0

Screw you. There's nothing wrong with that. He's honest. And there's nothing even wrong with that. If you think that it's that bad that you need to post it online then you probably don't deserve an honest boyfriend.

88sforlife 0
jamie72596 9

Did you at least get the blanket?

xo_sweetheart_xo 0

lol he was just getting it out of the way haha