By fuckina - 29/11/2010 17:34 - United States

Today, I was speeding a little on the highway. I thought I saw a police car, so I slammed on my brakes, causing the person behind me to rear end me. The "police car" I saw was just a broken down car on the side of the road. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 894
You deserved it 49 543

Same thing different taste

Top comments

so dumb. why speed if you're afraid of cops. dumb dumb.


HalfLit 17

This is one of those cases where legally the guy who rear ended you is at fault, but realistically it's your fault. Like yeah on paper you should be X amount of car lengths back based on X speed you're going and X conditions. But in the real world... Don't freaking slam your breaks on the highway.

Do you really expect us to feel sorry for you? If you were "speeding a little", then there would be no reason to slam on the breaks. I seriously hope you get your license suspended, I've seen rookie drivers with their learners permits that have more common sense on the road.

The guy behind you shouldn’t have rear ended you though. Insurance will side with you anyways but still YDI