By longest minute - 25/05/2016 11:28 - United States - Cypress

Today, I was peeing in a public bathroom when a guy walked in and passed by 4 open urinals to use the one next to mine. After feeling his gaze for a second, I confronted him with my own, in hopes he would stop. Instead, I stared into a stranger's eyes until I finished peeing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 722
You deserved it 2 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bad_boyfriend 10

Yeah I would have just held eye contact and slowly turned until I was peeing on his leg.

Being a woman has its benefits. I've never had to stare into a stranger's eyes while peeing....yet.


sohigh10 34

I used to have a second year student who would mess with the first years by going into the restroom after them and starting up a conversation while they peed. It was kind of hilarious. He'd also go in and sing really loudly and comment on the acoustics. I miss him. He was so much fun. He'd come back giggling like crazy, "T! Guess what I just did!" Then a few minutes later the first year come in, "T, that K guy is weird. He kept trying to talk to me while I peed!"

Justinspires 5
TabooSushi 24

That's the only thing you can do in that situation: Maintain eye contact to establish dominance.

Omg, I ship the hell out of you two OTP OTP OTP

it doesn't count unless you fist bumped after

I was using the stall in a place that had like 7 empty stalls. I was the only guy in there. In walks another, passing all the empty stalls to take the one next to mine. Ok... Then I notice his feet facing my stall and he knocks lightly on my wall. It then occurred to me that this was some Larry Craig crap and I think I found myself in the middle of a craigslist meetup. Yelling some choice words I hurried up and got out of there.

maggiefox 25

Glad to see you're alive OP! XD