By Kens - 20/05/2009 00:51 - Canada

Today, I was on the bus home and on the phone with my best friend discussing my sex life with this new guy I'm seeing. I was telling her all sorts of raunchy sex things we've done until someone taps my shoulder and says "I'm sure he doesn't appreciate you saying this in public." It was his mom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 339
You deserved it 106 929

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What kind of attention ***** discusses raunchy details of their sex life on the bus, loud enough for others to hear, anyway?

offmycloud 0

Eww. You're THAT person on the bus, who talks about the dumbest, most disgusting things as loud as you can. You totally deserve it.


I'm with #1. How completely inappropriate to talk about personal things like that in public. Clearly your brain is still at development stage of an 8 year old.

Gawd, it's bad enough listening to random people talk on their phones on the bus as it is. Discussing raunchy sex details is a whole other level of social retardation.

Ugh, nobody wants to hear the details of your sex life anyway. Are you such a sex obsessed ***** that you couldn't wait to get home and talk to your best friend? Seriously. YDI.

#17 TOOK THE WORDS OUT OF MY MOUTH: Seriously, just wait until you get home, there are so many people that could be on the bus listening to your conversations that you don't want to. You're really kind of a dumbfuck. And if you're bragging about your sex life in public so loudly, you must not do it that much

HAHA, but why would u be talking about sex in public, i'm sure NO ONE wants to hear that, let alone his mom. u deserved that LOL

It amuses me when sorority girls loudly discuss their sex lives on the bus. It reminds me of how glad I am that I'm not ******* them.

Well it's totally tacky and attention-whorish to be talking about things like those in public. On a bus? Wow, that's stupid and ridiculous. A little low of you.

deaditegirl 0

YDI. Save private conversations for, you know, a PRIVATE place next time.

I don't think you deserve it :) I do that kind of thing all the time, on a bus, on a phone, you don't have to be talking loudly for people around you to over hear. It's her fault for eavesdropping, and anyway, hopefully you were saying what a stud he was, so even if she tells him, you can say yeah I was telling my friend how good you were :) Ignore everyone above. It sucks she was behind you, maybe check around to see if you know anyone next time ;) xx