By Ugly - 08/03/2009 08:47 - United States

Today, I was looking at some comments on a silly YouTube video of me dancing with some friends. Someone posted a comment saying "Girl on the right is hot!!!." Next to that, it had about 31 thumbs down. I'm the girl on the right. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 516
You deserved it 10 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

aww that sucks, but... look on the positive side, before all the thubs down someone had complimented you,

At least one person thinks you're hot?


you guys are retarded, you can go lower than -6 you just have to go to the little scroll box at the top and chose the one that says "show all comments" and THEN you can thumbs down/up as high as you want

people downtalk others on youtube to get attention. they also thumbs-down people either because they're jealous or because they took the comment in the wrong way. if they dont like it, they don't need to comment on it or thumbs down it. EDIT i think your right about the vid.

Sometimes people rate a comment thumbs down because it's rude...

Purane2forever 0

okay if thats from ndanick21 it was me.... like a month ago i searched that and i always spell hot with 4 t's

As an avid, avid youtube user there's only 2 possibilities. One, It's fake. Or two, someone purposefully gave you many thumbs down. The odds that all 31 are from different people are enormous. It wouldn't happen. Especially since this isn't an extremely popular video. I know as most girls randomly dancing videos do not get that many views. And hardly anyone uses the thumbs down feature. In fact, after 6 thumbs down the comment is no longer visible. In conclusion, if this is real, its just one person doing it.

In my experience, after 6 thumbs down, YT auto-hides the comment and doesn't accept thumbs up or down... am I the only one? -31 shouldn't even be possible from what I've seen.

cddredsox 0

What is the link to the video???

@#77, i think they only recently starting disabling after 6.

Ignore the thumbs down. The ONLY reason someone wouldn't just ignore a comment like that is because they are JEALOUS! I bet you're beautiful and 31 other girls were soo envious they couldn't let it go.

Some people in YouTube just put thumbs down because they have nothing better to do. Don't feel bad about it. Atleast the people on FML have feelings for you and atleast that one guy thought you were hot.