By fatgirl - 16/05/2010 04:08 - United States

Today, I was eating pizza with my boyfriend and my friends. I was laughing and talking and went for another piece when my boyfriend grabbed my wrist and said that I had had enough. My friends all backed him up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 992
You deserved it 10 719

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And you didn't break his hand? If my BF ever pulled some shit like that, he'd be sporting a cast. Not cool, especially in front of friends.

SweetestSin 4

Well how many slices did you freakin eat prior to that?


you should have taken a bite out of the pizza then spit it on the table then slap him with the slice of pizza then walk away.

Sounds like it's time for new friends AND a new boyfriend. No matter what your size, your friends (questionable) and (ex) b/f should never treat you that way. it was only a 2nd piece of pizza! **** all of them!

this happens to me every day....with alcohol, not pizza. lol

I would rip my wrist away from that jerk and eat as many more freakin' pieces as I wanted. So rude! Unless you were eating a serious sh*t ton of pizza and they were witnessing your arteries starting to clog, they shouldn't have done that.

fat girls dont deserve bf's they are plain disgusting

so are arrogant pricks like yourself.

Smith000006 1

He was just trying to help you from being another statistic of this disgusting country. Everyone feels they are entitled to stuff themselves till they look like big ol meat balloons. It's your fault, get in the gym and stop giving america a bad name.

OP your supposed to let everyone else eat the pizza its not all for you. He wasn't likely calling you fat. He wanted a piece.

mjolene 0

hahahaahahahahaha that's funny as hell , god u must be FATTeR than shit for everyone to agree that you'd had enough.

wow your friends and bf are amazing people huh?